Monday 14 January 2013

This one time I went home...

Just for a little bit mind.
In three weeks,
I saw old and new buddies
ones that call me hunny
ones that call me tooty.

A good couple of big nights,
Some time with family
and lovely home, home, home.

Lots of red wine
lots more cheese.
One big Christmas
Even bigger Xmas jumper
And several roast dinners.

My nephew on skates,
My niece off her rocker.
My sister, brother in cahoots
My mother, shocked to see me.

Now I'm off to France already
Hope it'll be as sick as the last twenty months.

Baking in Phuket

Sun so hot
like a lobster in a pot.
Think I'm getting burnt
no funny joke, bloke.

Pigment in my skin is coming out
And I need to walk about,
Get some wind in my hair,
shade on my face.

Can't move
breathing is heavy,
sweat beads form on my lip
and drip down my back.
They form a pool in my belly button
So I find a shake- watermelon.

Dubstep helps,
like kelp?
This mix is sick
like everyone at home,
Only a few days left,
is that bad?

I can't wait though.
It'll be great
Devon, my heart,
Do I need to...?
No, just get out of the
god damn sun.

I'm on a boat!

Boats to islands with
BAP and the boys,
Briony and her smile.

We fell asleep to Stevie Wonder
The valium locked in like sleep chowder.
After nine hours and
three waiting,
we still have two for sea sickness

Sun sun sun
and some fun fun fun
Maybe we can dive, snorkel, ride
Enjoy the sand,
on this long anticipated paradise.

Stemlu I miss you
And in just two days
we'll be back together- boom!
But for now,
Koh Tao
show me your lights,
You have forty eight hours to do so

Unexpected Asia

Exceeds any expectations and you don’t know what to expect.
So you don’t have them, and the experience is always
Super mega awesome fantastic.
But even then it amazes you.

Another world
So green, bright, dark and day-glow
You meet people doing what you do.
You met people going the other way.
You make friends, and friends make family
Or a pack, a crew. Asian life and love
Hellos and then, goodbyes.

Buckets, beaches, bruises,
Beers and coconuts,
Monkeys and elephants,

Exotic Asia
Exciting Asia
Unexpected Asia

Like no where else I’ve been
Moving moving always travelling
Meeting locals, other travellers,
Ruski tourists and laughing lady boys.
Cheap fags, street food and tops that everyone’s got.

I met you all there, we moved fleetingly together
Saw these things, smelt those smells,
Touched the sun under the bright moon
Amassed tunes for memories,
After my last places, I didn’t think it would be anything like this.

(Mmmmate, let’s go again)

How my body feels in Vietnam

Coconut water drips out of its’ husk
Sticking to my hands and the sand on my legs
that won’t let go.
A pink nose from grinning in sunshine
and hard skin on my feet from running
like a flamingo on hot sand.
A flip flop tan between my big toe,
reaching down to my pinky
with its’ chipped nail varnish.
Perma-perspiration-stickiness on your skin
from the gorgeous humidity.
Spectacle and goggle marks on your face.
The low level churning in your stomach from
too many nights on the sauce
and that holiday romance
where you might have got a bit smitten...

Dry January

Man in a suit...yum
Man in a tux...yummy yum yum
Easter egg chocolate in
dry dry January

Snow is fluffy,
My onesie-comfy,
Beers on my balcony- crispy,
Cigarettes in bed
it's missing a extra sex buddy.

Working in the snow
a hot water bottle down my pants
and six socks on my feet
after sick jumps jamming
every night a cold dry solo rave.

Better see some chat next week
or my liver will freak,
withdrawal symptoms from
my Asian nectar,

This resort is rude
We are the shhhh police
This job is anti-bant,
Fuck and now I'm on a rant.

Can't wait for London
DJ Miaow, wanna see you
I'll grab my board and pack
my arse up the park.

This. Jan. Is. Dry.